Sketches #17

Above are some of the sketches that I created after some google searching for inspiration. I was searching terms like ‘victorian chair’ and ‘1800’s armchair’ etc, the images I used for reference and inspiration can be seen in the appropriate blogposts. I didn’t create sketches for every asset as some of them were pretty straightforward or simple so I didn’t feel like it was necessary to create them for all. I did however create them for the more complex assets. The page on the right was the first 4 designs I came up with for the chair. I took inspiration from the images I found and made some interesting concepts. Once I had sketched out some in pencil I drew over them with fine liners, added some colour and added some annotations. I always like to annotate my sketches as it helps me solidify the ideas and makes them easier to refer back to. Once I had created these first 4 sketches I made the design on the left, I used the first 4 as inspiration before creating the design I wanted to use. Creating the first 4 and getting some ideas down made it easier to create the one on the left. I felt like this was a strong design and would be perfect to create in maya and it was the one that I ended up doing.

For the sofa I made the three sketches below. I used the images I found on google as inspiration when drawing them to get a more accurate design. With these sketches however I wasn’t sure which one I liked best so I actually decided once I got into maya and started making the sofa itself. I ended up making a variation of the bottom design. I ended up not adding the wooden boarder to the sofa to make it cleaner looking and so it would stand out more against my other assets. I made sure to make my sofa designs symmetrical when trying to come up with a design as then I could mirror the design to make it match up. This meant that it would be easier to create as I could copy paste elements and flip them. I really like how these sketches turned out and I think they were helpful to work off of.