Sketches #19

Below are the last 2 assets that I made sketches for. As I said I only felt like I needed to make sketches for assets that I was unsure about or that were more complicated. For example the vase that I wanted to create wasn’t a complicated asset but I wanted to sketch this one out to pick the kind of style that I wanted to make as there are many different types of vases that come to mind when I was thinking about this asset. I sketched out some different vases for this with different textures in mind. I ended up going for a marble design which was very simple and would look nice on a side table. I sketched out some taller ones or ones with alternating textures but I felt that a marble vase would look the best and also match the fireplace I was planning on creating.

The fireplace was one I also wanted to sketch out but because I wanted to sketch out some different widths to visualise how this would look. I drew a wider one and a narrower one as when looking for reference pictures I noticed this trend. I felt like these sketches were quite helpful to visualise how the fireplace I wanted to make looked and to chose which one I preferred. I ended up going with a wider fireplace rather than a tall skinny one as I felt that it would look better in the room and more proportional as I wasn’t planning on having high ceilings. I had planned on having wood textures or a dark wood look when I was making my sketches but when i was creating the asset itself I felt it would be better to have a plain brown material on the main body of the fireplace so that it didn’t clash with the marble and also so that it didn’t look like too much wood with everything else in the scene I was making.