My Business Structure (3)

The diagram below I created to show my idea for a promotional plan for this business. I was thinking that it would be best to gain interaction with potential customers through establishing and promoting a social media presence as this, in my opinion, is the easiest way to reach the most people. I know from experience using social media it is easy to build a following in the subject you like by interacting and following like minded individuals, therefore growing your reach and following allowing for more interactions.

My idea is to create social media accounts on Instagram and Twitter. These accounts would be used to post content about the service, eventually repost service reviews from customers, and to interact with potential customers and push a friendly and helpful narrative for the business and its customer service. This would be the best way to reach potential customers on a personal level, answering questions in direct messages, replying to comments etc. By following accounts who have an interest in books and publishing and smaller authors, this is helping to show the account to people who would be most interested in the service and making sure it can start to be recognised by people and followed.

Using these social media accounts, the business would not only create relevant content and interact with potential clients, the accounts would also be used to reach out to influencers and also smaller authors personally asking for an opportunity to promote the company. By doing this the reach of the business would increase as it would be shown to more people who may not have known about it and increase the potential interested parties. These larger accounts could be asked to create content promoting the service such as a post or story in exchange for discounted services if they are interested or a small amount of compensation. They could also be used to promote offers such as a 10% off code etc.

Another promotional idea is to use social media sponsored ads, targeting the desired demographic. These are easy to set up and can cost fairly little depending on the time needed and the desired reach. These are a good option as it would encourage people to check out the service after seeing the ad as it would be relevant to their interests, even if they don’t use it they could remember it to tell a friend.