Development Storyboard

For this project, I felt it was important to create a storyboard with each element of the experience within it to help me in planning and creating my piece. I have created the below storyboard on the iPad app, Procreate. I am hoping to follow the storyboard closely when creating my project though some parts may change due to logistic difficulties when creating the actual piece.

Each sequence within the experience will be around 30 seconds long, the total time amounting to the required 2 minutes as there are 4 sequences. The first of these sequences is set in the regular world and will look really dull and boring. The user will first see a black screen that fades into the start of the scene. Sequence 1 consists of a forest scene with a light in the middle leading to a clearing. The user will then be walked forward into the clearing towards a table in the middle. This table will have the eat me drink me items on top of it and the camera viewpoint will pan down towards this table and turn to white as if the user has decided to consume these items. This will last around 30 seconds.

In sequence 2 the player will continue with the white screen and it will pan back up and the world around will look different. The world will now be strange colours instead of the normal world. If my skills allow it there will be floating objects in the sky of the world that link to the Alice in Wonderland theme. The user will be directed to look towards the left path by an orb of light. This glowing light will lead them down a short path and they will see a red hearts playing card ahead of them. As they approach the view will fade to black as if the wrong path was chosen. In the third sequence within the piece a similar thing will happen and the player will walk down the path on the left following the orb. They will be lead towards a balloon and the view will similarly fade to black just as it did in the scene beforehand signifying the wrong path further into wonderland was chosen again and the user will be reset to the middle of the clearing yet again. Each of these sequences, the left path and the right path, will last 30 seconds each. This will allow the user enough time to look around the scene and walk slowly through the space to take it in.

For the final sequence within the piece, the user will be lead forward through the forest instead of to the left or right. It will lead forwards past the clearing until the scene fades to white as if the user has chosen the right path into the world. This sequence will again last a total of 30 seconds. The fade in and fade out sequences within the piece will be part of that timeframe and will be around 5 seconds each time.

I have decided that I would have some sections that repeated within the piece and that evolved into a chose your route (though only one will be correct) piece. I think this is interesting as every time will be different and it will allow the user a lot of time to look around the world as they are being reset every 30 or so seconds. I think it will also be helpful in allowing me to create the scenes easier with my minimal skill set in the Maya software. I will be attempting to make some of the more simple models whilst using pre made objects for the remainder of the assets.