British Seaside Research

Growing up I visited the seaside a lot to visit family so this research task was quite straightforward for me. When researching the British seaside I saw a lot of recurring themes.

I saw a lot of reference to “Punch and Judy” and traditional puppet shows. I included a photo of one of these being presented on the beach as it is a traditional element of the seaside. I also included a photo of a food stand on the beach. This is a typically British sight at the seaside serving soft scoop, chips and a cup of tea.

Below is a very familiar sight to anyone who’s ever been to a British seaside, amusements. The style of amusements is very ‘vintage’ nowadays but it’s such an intrinsic element of the seaside it will likely look like that for as long as amusements exist.

I also found a lot of images of these photo cut-out boards. I see these a lot at the seaside and think they are a recognisable seaside attraction.