Comparison of Small Multiples

For the comparison of small multiples I wanted to make a character illustration of the mother from the movie and her evolution to evil within the plot of the story. She has 3 main forms in the story which I have illustrated here. I think this really shows off the principle of small multiples as it allows the viewer to compare these 3 forms together and contrast them against each other and pick out details and differences and similarities between them all. I created these illustrations using procreate and wanted to show how boring and regular to how strange and evil the mother comes within the movie and compare and contrast these together in one illustration. I think that my character designs are effective at portraying what I wanted to show to do with the character shown, I used differing colour palettes for each one to show off how the mood and feel changes and to add another element of comparison to the characters displayed in my piece. When you compare the multiples in the image you notice large changes along with the small things such as the change in eyebrows and the shift in tones used between the three.