
This task was to identify things that made me into the person that I am today. It took me a while to think of events in my life that made me who I am, but I thought of some eventually that link to my interests today.

When I was little I spent a lot of time with my Nanna, she lived in Asia for a portion of her life so she showed me many subtitled animated movies and such from Japan that she would read to me. Later in life, in my early teens, I stumbled back upon that art style myself and remembered it from my childhood. This spurred me into exploring Japanese culture and media, from there I became an avid collector of comic books and have built a collection. Watching Anime as a kid influenced me and developed my interests to this day in this art style and culture. Subsequently it influenced me as a designer as in my spare time I create minimalist vector art of characters from the shows that I watch and read, and helped me to learn more about Adobe Illustrator to make these.

Along the same lines I also read a lot of novels as a child, once I had read through all the books in my classroom one of the teachers gave me a copy of Harry Potter. This got me interested in the fantasy genre and encouraged me to keep reading as the series continued. Today I own close to 600 books and have a passion for reading and knowledge. In college my final major project was about redesigning book covers and creating new editions with marketing and such to go along with them. This was one of my favourite projects I’ve ever done and the research taught me a lot about the design industry within publishing, I think reading influences me a lot in my design and my life as I spend a lot of time reading.

These two things in my life could connect to a poster somehow by taking design influences from common styles in the areas. I could create a poster inspired by a classic book cover or something along these lines.

Below is the graphic that I created in Adobe Illustrator of my name: